Menuiserie Des Bois D'azingo - MBA - Libreville, Gabon

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Nom de l'entreprise
Menuiserie Des Bois D'azingo - MBA
BP 20320, Libreville, Gabon
+241 01 72 69 75
À propos de
MENUISERIE DES BOIS D'AZINGO - MBA is a Gabonese based company specialized in the production of wood products. Founded in the 1980s, the company has been a leader in the production of high quality wood furniture, doors, windows, and other products for over thirty years. With a commitment to quality, the company has developed a range of products to meet the needs of customers in both the residential and commercial sectors. The company also exports its products to other African countries, providing a much-needed source of income for Gabon. By utilizing sustainably sourced timber, the company is also helping to protect the environment by minimizing the impacts of deforestation. With its dedication to quality and commitment to sustainability, MENUISERIE DES BOIS D'AZINGO - MBA is a leader in the Gabonese wood production industry.
Activités d'affaires
Consultants en GestionServices de ConstructionArpenteurs
Mba Menuiserie
Mba Bois
Menuiserie Gabon


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