College Capitaine Ntchorere - Libreville

College Capitaine Ntchorere
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Nom de l'entreprise
College Capitaine Ntchorere
BP 8171, Libreville, Gabon
+241 01 73 87 63
Heures de travaille
  • Lundi: 08:00 - 18:00
  • Mardi: 08:00 - 18:00
  • Mercredi: 08:00 - 18:00
  • Jeudi: 08:00 - 18:00
  • Vendredi: 08:00 - 18:00
  • Samedi: Closed
  • Dimanche: Closed
Adresse e-mail
Activités d'affaires
Charles Ntchorere
College Capitaine Charles Ntchorere
Ita Gabon Frais De Scolarité
Lycee Ntchorere
Carte d'endroit
À propos de
COLLEGE CAPITAINE NTCHORERE is a private school located in the heart of Gabon. It was founded in 1998 by a group of parents who wished to provide high-quality education to their children. The school offers both primary and secondary education for children aged 5 to 18. It has a highly qualified teaching staff and a very engaging environment. The school has modern facilities, including classrooms, a library, science laboratories, and a computer lab. It also has a sports field and a playground.

The school encourages students to develop their skills and interests. It provides a variety of activities, such as music, sports, and art, to stimulate learning and creativity. Additionally, it has a rich extracurricular program, with activities such as field trips, community service, and  
show_more volunteer work.

At COLLEGE CAPITAINE NTCHORERE, the students are encouraged to develop their full potential and to become responsible citizens. The school strives to be a leader in providing quality education in the Gabon region, and is committed to helping its students reach their highest potential. By combining a strong academic program with an engaging and enriching environment, COLLEGE CAPITAINE NTCHORERE is creating an educational experience that is truly inspiring.


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Questions et Réponses

Dans quel quartier se trouve cette école
A combien s'élève les frais de scolarité au second cycle ?

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